Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I went to Kernan Hospital today for the follow-up results from bloodwork that was drawn on July 9th.  I went into see Dr. Richter after years of complaining that my joints hurt (neck, back, shoulder, hip, knee) and that I'm constantly exhausted. I've been to a physical therapist, non-surgical spine specialist, rheumotologist and a chiropractor over the last decade with the same set of complaints.
As Dr. Richter went over my results she told me that alot of my nutritional information came back in great ranges (glucose, potassium etc). However, when she got to some of the other details is when things started to take a turn. Apparently, I have slight iron deficieny, hypothyroidism, high cortisol and the real kickers: wheat and casein allergies. What does all this have to do with my complaints? Well, for starters my Dr. explained to me that my body can not digest wheat or casein that they are essentially leaking into my bloodstream and could cause inflammation. Additionally, the whole hypothyroid and high cortisol thing aren't really helping the cause.
So, I leave with a sense of relief that FINALLY someone has given me some sort of solid answers rather than "well you do meet all the criteria for fibromyalgia" but we're not going to do anything about it but suggest you go on anti-depressants.
This sense of relief is short-lived when I get home and realize that everything I've eaten for 27 years is going to have to change. The $60 I spent on groceries last week was a waste, and there's nothing in my house right now that I can eat. I called several of my friends. All of which were supportive, optimistic, humorous and helpful. I asked Theresa to please meet me at Whole Foods because should I have to brave a new grocery store territory on a quest for foods I've never heard of before I might very well panic, ditch my cart and bolt to the closest Chick Fil-a for a milkshake, extra casein!
Thankfully, we survived our trip to Whole Foods and 45 dollars and not a whole lot of food later, I settled down with a glass of Vanilla Almond Milk (kinda like weird flavored watered down milk) and Newman O's (fake oreos which were quite delicious). I found out from Theresa's friend that there is a Dummies book out there for eating gluten-free. Will pick up at library or online.
I go back tomorrow for more allergy testing. They get to determine if it's just wheat or all gluten.
Here's hoping I can still eat barley, oat and rye.

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